Introducing Xue Xue Colors Website

Created to promote the learning and use of Taiwan’s local cultural colors, Xue Xue has been building a picture database of colors related to Taiwanese culture since 2011 on the “Xue Xue Colors” website, turning digital art archives into an aesthetic education. Color Theory in a real life application for the Youth. The site archives local museums and archiving organizations’ collections, and it also categorizes art works and photographs from experts, artists, and photographers into sub-categories such as culture festivals, performance art, historical monuments, traditional clothing, scenery, flora and fauna, etc. The collection comes together as a Taiwanese cultural color “Inspirational Picture Archive or Look-Book” that collects a wide range of art forms including watercolors, inks, oil paintings, prints, photographs, etc. The website also collaborates with current designers to provide a “Color Matching Practice Archive”, allowing art teachers and students from all schools, as well as the general public, to learn about colors via a database and collection filled with Taiwanese colors. They could create their own color chips and practice matching colors, and in turn better understand how to make use of cultural colors to develop unique Taiwanese brands.

“Xue Xue Colors”, inspirational picture archive (to date, 2017) has a current collection of 9,199 authorized pieces of art work, from 859 artists/photographers.

The “Xue Xue Colors” website has been officially recommended by the government’s education branch for use by elementary and junior high school as a teaching aid for aesthetic related courses. The website now holds 1,711 classic art archives that are referred to in the students’ official curriculums.

Art teachers everywhere in Taiwan can use this cloud aesthetics database freely to lead their students on a journey discovering Taiwanese artists; through artists’ works, nature and humanistic photography archives, learn about an artist’s natural matching of colors. They can also make use of the freely available “XUE XUE COLORS” App, to take students on a field trip collecting photos of local sites, observe its cultural colors, and play, interact with creating and using colors.

Designers from all cultural and creativity industries can use picture archives from the website to search for artists and/or themes, then take the 10 main colors from a particular work of art, along with their color codes in various industry-wide formats such as HEX, RGB, LAB, CMYK. They will be able to make use of the website as a color tool to communicate with their customers, and make Colors tell a cultural story.



2012, recommended by FlipBoard as a picture archive of beautiful pictures
2013, won Germany’s iF Communication Design Award by integrating with the smartphone app “XUE XUE COLORS”.

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